designer Echo from the Dark Harness new technology to lead your faction to victory in an interstellar struggle. (ICS IV) Prototype Zero An 18-card racing game for two players. Curse of the Archmage A trick-taking game with hidden teams. Drawn Inn A roll-and-write city-building game for lots of players and four six-sided dice. The Young Queen's Palimpsest A Decktet investment game. developer Juven Isle Island-building tabletop game. Red Dust Rebellion Martian revolt and revolution in the 2250s. (COIN XII) Sorcery Without Master A tarot mod for Epidiah Ravachol's Swords Without Master. Shinjuku A strategic network-building and pick-up-and-deliver board game. composer Andromeda Mostly modular, mostly improvised. Oberon: Synthetic Ambient This ambient music was composed by a computer program I wrote in 2014. Limit RPM Challenge entry for 2013. The Age of Reason A return to the Reason DAW for its (then) new release. Jabberwocky RPM Challenge entry inspired by the poem. Grayscale First RPM Challenge entry, in 2007. Edited photo from Gasworks, in Seattle.